We are active and vocal advocates for resident hunting solutions through the use of archery tackle in British Columbia.

Our contributions


In BC, the UBBC are active participants in the Together for Wildlife and Habitat Initiative, sitting as a representative on the Provincial Hunting Trapping Advisory Team (PHTAT), and regionally advocating for bowhunting opportunity on regulatory amendments.


The UBBC align to the principles of fair chase.


The UBBC is the facilitator of the International Bowhunter Education Program (IBEP) under the “National Bowhunter Education Foundation” NBEF

Courses are being set up for two “Instructor development” courses and the commencement of additional IBEP bowhunting courses around the Province.

IBEP Instructor - Lower Mainland - TBD
IBEP Instructor - Interior of BC - TBD
IBEP Regional Courses - TBD


The UBBC support wildlife management decisions which utilize science-based data and analysis. Wildlife management is not new, and British Columbia can align to the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

UBBC Updates

Our History

Formation of the United Bowhunters of BC

For many years through the 90’s bowhunting, ‘could not gain the respect’ of other organizations. The process by which ideas, recommendations and regulatory proposals moved forward would eliminate the opportunity for legitimate bowhunting opportunities to be proposed to Government.

The Traditional Bowhunters of BC and the BCAA joined forces and requested a meeting with the Minister at the time. Minister Barisoff indicated if the TBBC and BCAA would 'unite' bowhunters, they (bowhunters) would be given a seat at the table. Thus the United Bowhunters of BC (UBBC) was formed.